Jurnal IJAMER (International Journal of Accounting, Economics, and Management Research)
Nama Institusi Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
Jenis Jurnal Penelitian
Akreditasi Non Sinta
Terbitan Juni, Desember
URL Jurnal https://ijamer.feb.dinus.ac.id/index.php/ijamer
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Sertifikat Kerjasama

International Journal Of Accounting, Management, And Economics Research (IJAMER) with e-ISSN : 2988-6406, p-ISSN : 2988-6392  an electronic international journal, provides a forum for publishing the original research articles, review articles from contributors, and the novel technology news related to management, accounting and economic. This journal is published 2 (two) a year, namely the Juny, and December editions.